Approval for Alterations: Owners of historic properties must obtain approval from the local historic district commission before making significant changes to the exterior of their homes. This process typically involves submitting detailed plans and ensuring that proposed alterations are consistent with preservation guidelines.
Compliance with Building Codes: While historic properties must adhere to state building codes, there are provisions that allow for flexibility to preserve historical integrity. The SHPO can provide advisory opinions and documentation regarding the application of the State Building Code to historic structures.
Financial Incentives: Connecticut offers various financial incentives, including tax credits and grants, to encourage the preservation of historic properties. These programs are administered by the SHPO and are designed to assist homeowners in maintaining the historical and architectural significance of their properties.
As a historic home, there are a few special circumstances (more details at the Connecticut State Portal & Essex Historical Preservation Resources):
Approval for Alterations: Owners of historic properties must obtain approval from the local historic district commission before making significant changes to the exterior of their homes. This process typically involves submitting detailed plans and ensuring that proposed alterations are consistent with preservation guidelines.
Compliance with Building Codes: While historic properties must adhere to state building codes, there are provisions that allow for flexibility to preserve historical integrity. The SHPO can provide advisory opinions and documentation regarding the application of the State Building Code to historic structures.
Financial Incentives: Connecticut offers various financial incentives, including tax credits and grants, to encourage the preservation of historic properties. These programs are administered by the SHPO and are designed to assist homeowners in maintaining the historical and architectural significance of their properties.